Cogepeche from boat to plate - improving fishing, selling, buying and consumption

Accreditation04/16/2006 - 00:00
Total Budget:575.00 K€

Officially recognised in 2009, the COGEPECHE project was aimed at improving market placement of seafood products by developing innovative marketing methods and introducing new types of industry stakeholder relationships while taking account of consumer behaviour and expectations.

The first phase involved a survey-based analysis of the different distribution channels in order to understand three aspects of Brittany's seafood produce market: how products are exploited, how they are marketed and the types of relationships between stakeholders. At the same time, a benchmarking exercise looked at how the fishing industry was marketed compared with the beef, poultry and fruit and vegetable industries to highlight points for improvement within the fishing industry.

A second phase consisted of identifying areas of innovation to promote and develop fishing produce and its marketing. Having identified the main directions for product innovation, the object was to establish a link between the innovations observed and seafood product consumption habits, so that a number of areas could be put forward for further work. Subsequent marketing studies led to the development of strong retail concepts (product usage, consumer moments, etc.) which could be applied in future to both large-scale outlets and traditional fishmongers. A strategy for the optimum approach to implementing these concepts, along with general recommendations on retailing and presenting fresh, frozen and other forms of seafood products, was also put forward.

The results of the COGEPECHE project will assist the medium-term economic development of the Breton maritime sector by improving exploitation of its marine produce through innovative marketing methods. Specific studies by the project into how seafood products are placed on the market produced recommendations, advice and food for thought which industry stakeholders can now take on board and use to rethink how their products are sold. The results were also analysed in the light of current developments in fresh produce marketing, particularly relating to distribution and consumer purchasing behaviour and demand.

During the project, the COGEPECHE results were promoted through participation in several European conferences, international seminars and professional events. Further presentations at international conferences are planned for 2014.

Plans are also in place to set up specific half-day training events aimed industry professionals. These training modules could also be extended to the different colleges in the maritime sector which are specialising in this field and could also be sold to private bodies. A toolkit for fishing industry professionals will also be made available at the end of the project.



  • Cobrenord, Saint-Quay-Portrieux
  • PMA, Quimper
  • PESCA, Concarneau
  • Moulin, Loctudy
  • Le Venec, Concarneau
  • Fipêche, Guingamp
  • Océalliance, Le Guilvinec
  • E. Leclerc - Scarmor, Concarneau
  • Scamer, Lorient
  • Normapêche Bretagne, Lorient [Porteur de projet]

  • Des représentants des syndicats départementaux et régionaux des poissonniers détaillants

Centres de recherche

  • Agrocampus Ouest, Cellule études et Transfert du Pôle halieutique, Rennes

Autres partenaires

  • Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille, Quimper
  • CCI Quimper-Cornouaille, Quimper


  • Conseil régional de Bretagne
  • France Agrimer