
With 35 years’ experience and a network of 515 experts and consultants throughout the world (220 of them in France), ABGi manages over €1.5 billion (€1.2 billion in France) of tax credit every year for a broad portfolio of clients.
Founded by entrepreneurs and developed by its employees, for over 30 years ABGi has been an intrapreneurial and human adventure where everyone is committed to developing tailor-made solutions to support the development and financing of innovation.
Our goal is simple – to speed up our clients’ innovation processes and enhance their expansion wherever they are in the world. Our value proposition is to help structure, fund, execute and protect your innovation.
ABGi has provided support to numerous national and European projects in PMBA’s six strategic action areas, including Hydrofluv (FUI), SIMEO (FUI accredited by PMBA and Pôle Mer Méditerranée), Oceanquest (AMI Ademe), Searieus (AMI Ademe), Helios (H2020), Feysinne renewable energy park (ERDF) and Genissiat (AMI-Ademe).