To sum us up in a few figures, Fidal in France comprises 1,400 lawyers working in 90 offices, a 200-strong legal team specialising in international issues and a network of partners operating in 150 countries. Fidal is currently the leading firm of corporate lawyers in France and Europe. We have been operating in western France since 1948, serving Brittany with 78 lawyers based in six offices. This regional network means we can forge closer links with local clients and have an excellent understanding of the local economic landscape.
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is committed to the ambitious goal of supporting and developing maritime activity.
Fidal sees itself as a natural partner for the cluster, given the shared values which lie at the heart of our firm’s approach: strong, local connections, a desire to serve the community and an ongoing commitment to innovation. This commitment is reflected in Fidal’s determination to be involved in the development and growth of a powerful maritime economy in Brittany and Loire-Atlantique, by helping PMBA members to enhance the value and security of their projects in France and beyond.