Cocorisco Knowledge, Understanding and Management of Coastal Risks

Accreditation12/10/2010 - 00:00
Total Budget:2 792.00 K€

The COCORISCO project (which stands for COnnaissance, COmpréhension et gestion des RISques COtiers) was concerned with coastal risks associated with the mobility of coastal traffic and its consequences in terms of erosion and submersion other than in hurricane and tsunami zones. The object of the COCRISCO project was to understand the vulnerability of coastal territories to erosion and submersion and to move towards prevention and management strategies. The region of Brittany was chosen for field study because of its particular geographical characteristics and the diversity of the natural littoral and social situations observed.

The work carried out led to the different teams involved formulating disciplinary methodologies to create a common approach that could then be applied to other regional and extra-regional littoral sectors. A methodological guide for managing marine erosion and submersion risks was produced as part of the project.

The methodological guide enabled the methods for comprehending the risks of marine coastal erosion and submersion to be tested. Feedback from this experimental research led to compiling of the guide aimed at assisting those responsible for managing the coastal zones facing these risks.

Spin offs and future developments
  • A methodological guide ‘Gestion des risques côtiers d’érosion-submersion- Guide méthodologique’ [Managing coastal erosion/submersion risks: a methodological guide].
  • 38 publications, 24 of them international
  • 32 papers presented at symposiums, 19 of them international
  • New internal collaborative initiatives: UQAR (Canada); MOLOA (West Africa)
  • New projects:
    - OSIRISC: Developing an integrated observatory for coastal risks (Fondation de France)
    - RICOCHET: Improving evaluation of coastal risks in the face of global change (project officially recognised by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique)



  • Géos-AEL, Etel
  • Réseau Allegans, Brest

Centres de recherche

  • LETG-Brest Géomer (UMR 6554 Cnrs, UBO-IUEM), Brest [Porteur de projet]
  • LDO (UMR 6538 Cnrs, UBO-IUEM), Brest
  • Amure (UMR 101, Ifremer-UBO-IUEM), Brest
  • CRPCC (EA 1285, UBO), Brest
  • Géoarchitecture (EA 2219, UBO) Brest
  • LST (UMR 5570 Cnrs, U. Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Lyon


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche