Booster Morespace

Current - Copernicus Marine Service
logo morespace booster

The competitiveness clusters known as Boosters aim to stimulate economic development through innovation. They apply satellite data and technologies strategically in areas like urban planning, mobility, agriculture and health.

The name MORESPACE is derived from the Breton word for sea, ‘MOR’, and the ‘space’ sector. This Booster is overseen by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and seeks to improve existing maritime products and services and nurture new ones. It is the only Booster dedicated exclusively to marine and maritime applications.

Sentinel 2

Located in Brest, MORESPACE sits at the heart of the French space ecosystem where it crosses over with the shipbuilding and maritime sectors. Alongside its partners IRISPACE and ESA BIC Nord, it helps to shape industry in the region. 

MORESPACE mainly operates in the same geographical area as PMBA: Brittany and the Pays de la Loire. Working with its Booster network and the Pôle Mer Méditerranée, it can also cover other themes and coastal areas. 


Nationally, MORESPACE is a privileged partner of France’s national space agency CNES and has a seat on some of the committees at COSPACE, the country’s government-industry coordinating committee on space. 

This Booster is also a Copernicus Relay ambassador, appointed by the European Commission to coordinate and promote activities among local authorities and communities around Copernicus, the EU’s earth observation programme. 

MORESPACE is also a part of the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies NEREUS: this fosters cooperation between European regions, engages in knowledge exchange, and promotes terrestrial applications for space data.Nationally, MORESPACE is a privileged partner of France’s national space agency CNES and has a seat on some of the committees at COSPACE, the country’s government-industry coordinating committee on space. 

Areas of application


Since 2015, MORESPACE has supported

30  projects
13  Millions € in R&D investment
3  Millions € in public-sector finance

Projets Européens liés

Evènements liés

Contact : 
Project manager  – Booster MORESPACE