Germain Maureau

Germain Maureau is one of Europe’s leading intellectual proprety law firms, covering patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and domain names. We have a local network of 10 offices in France, including one in Rennes focusing on the country’s western regions.
The partnership with Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique demonstrates Germain Maureau’s commitment to the maritime sector. We have 120 members of staff – engineers and lawyers – who work with companies of all sizes in the maritime, biology, energy, aeronautics, automotive, luxury, health, electronics, AI, engineering, IT and agri-food fields.
Germain Maureau advises its clients on effective strategies to protect their intellectual assets. We take a global approach, bringing together legal, scientific and administrative expertise to make intellectual property a real lever for growth and development.
Internationally, Germain Maureau draws on its established network of 300 agents in over 170 countries around the world.