
Orcom is a major French player providing accounting, auditing and consultancy services. The company has 1,200 employees and 70 managing partners in 55 offices across France and internationally. We have had a presence in Brittany for the last 35 years, with around a dozen offices in the region from Brest to Nantes. The Terre & Mer (Land & Sea) department provides independent advice to businesses in the maritime sector.
Orcom developed its Advisory 360 service to respond to the challenges experienced by businesses operating in this sector, whether in traditional industries such as fishing and shellfish farming or in emerging and innovative fields. It was therefore a natural step to partner with Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique. We are also involved with the Solitaire du Figaro sailing race through Orcom skipper Jules Delpech, and we are associated with organisations working to raise awareness among young people about protecting our oceans.