AB Biodiversité Aquatique Optimised fishing gear to improve conservation of freshwater fish stocks

Labelisation : 02/19/2016 - 00:00
Budget global : 460.00 K€

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Nets are currently the most commonly used form of fishing gear and their sole method of selection is based on mesh size, which means they can harm species that are in a vulnerable state or that are in their reproductive period.

The AB Biodiversité Aquatique project is concerned with developing non-lethal catch methods. Such gear, which is capable of catching a large number of different species, will keep the fish alive in optimum conditions for their well-being. This type of gear will ensure, moreover, that release conditions for unwanted fish give them the maximum chance of survival.

This nationwide project will be tested at different locations in continental waters. The project will be conducted initially in Brittany and Pays de Loire and subsequently in large artificial lakes and marine areas (estuaries and Mediterranean lagoons).

The tests will validate an innovative collection model which will help restore fish populations, preserve species under threat and establish sustainable exploitation of these resources.

Developing sustainable fisheries in the maritime sector is a crucial challenge facing Europe. As regards freshwater, Member States need to focus on implementing measures to maintain its good environmental condition, as set out in the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE


Autres partenaires

  • SMIDAP, Nantes
  • Pêcheurs professionnels : Alain BAILLET, Yannick PERRAUD, Didier MACE, Philippe BOISNEAU, Gilles BEGAUD
  • Maison familiale de Belfort, Valdoie


  • AB Pêcheries de Loire, Carquefou [Porteur de projet]

Centres de recherche

  • ENSAR, Université de Tours
  • Lycée de Guérande


  • Ademe