Navalis Innovative crewboats for offshore wind farms

Accreditation04/27/2012 - 00:00
Total Budget:7 863.00 K€

The NAVALIS project will design an innovative, high-speed crewboat to safely transport personnel to offshore wind turbine sites in difficult sea conditions, which will feature a robotic gangway for greater ease and comfort. Designed to meet low-cost construction and operating performance targets, Navalis will minimise the vessel's environmental impact within the renewable energy process.

In the course of the project, several R&D programmes will be carried out relating to hydrodynamics, embedded artificial intelligence, powertrain, vibroacoustics, eco-design and optimising enterprise organisation and management. The results of this work will be validated by real-life tests on a demonstrator boat - the 'Navalis Crewboat' - several versions of which may be constructed during this time.

The NAVALIS project is part of a move to develop marine wind farms in France and in Europe, opening up the potential for growth over the next twenty years in the market for crewboats (where demand at a European level already outstrips supply) to innovative companies working in the shipbuilding, shipyard and ship-fitting sector in France.



  • MSIS Chantiers ALLAIS, Cherbourg [Porteur de projet]
  • La Compagnie du Vent (GDF SUEZ), Montpellier
  • TSM Windcat, Rouen
  • Paulstra groupe Hutchinson, Paris
  • ACEBI, Saint-Herblon
  • Marinelec Technologies, Quimper
  • C-Sense, Quimperlé
  • Det Norske Veritas France, Marseille

Centres de recherche

  • École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, Paris
  • Institut de Recherche en Systèmes Électroniques, Saint-Étienne du Rouvray
  • École Centrale de Nantes


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