PLUME-SAT Measuring the impact of human activities at sea using satellite data

Accreditation09/08/2017 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.15 K€


With the growth in human activities at sea, the PLUME-SAT project will seek to demonstrate the contribution made by satellite data to assessing the impact of these activities on water quality and marine biodiversity.

The aim is to develop an future service suitable for monitoring the impact of operations on water quality and marine habitats:

  • Monitoring before and during construction works as a tool to complement conventional protocols (deploying in-situ sensors and recording specific measurements);
  • Monitoring retrospectively to improve knowledge relating to the combination of pressures/habitat evolution, the ultimate goal being to improve environmental management.




  • e-Odyn, Brest
  • i-Sea, Mérignac
  • Hytech Imaging, Plouzané [Porteur de projet]


  • Bpifrance