B-MAP-SAT Creating a cartographic service for mapping the shallow-water seabed

Accreditation09/08/2017 - 00:00
Total Budget:340.00 K€

Characterising the bathymetry and nature of the seabed is a genuine technological challenge of direct interest to all those who use shallow marine waters (0-20 metres deep) in the context of, for example, works installation or navigation.

The B-MAP-SAT project will work on developing a cartographic service based on high and ultra-high resolution satellite imagery to produce bathymetric charts (measuring the ocean depth to determine the seabed topography) and charts of marine habitats in the littoral zone.

The overall developments of B-MAP-SAT will constitute significant progress in terms of monitoring and mapping littoral aquatic environments, particularly relating to capacities for the automated processing and geographical extent of satellite images.



  • Airbus Defence & Space, Toulouse
  • Hytech Imaging, Plouzané [Porteur de projet]

Centres de recherche

  • Ocean Sensing and Mapping, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, ENSTA-Bretagne, Brest


  • Bpifrance (PIAVE spatial)