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ICE - Intelligent Community Energy


Interreg France Channel England 


The ICE project is overseen by Bretagne Développement Innovation and comprises a consortium of 9 French and English partners.


6 years (2017 - 2022)




Remote islands and territories face problems with energy efficiency, reliability and durability. This is due to their heavy reliance on fossil fuels for electricity production and supply, the low delivery capacity of their networks and their limited connection to national grids.
The aim of the project is to introduce ground-breaking intelligent solutions to supplying energy to remote and/or island territories in the Channel region by creating a low-carbon, innovative energy system (Smart Grid) that will encompass the whole cycle from production to consumption.
These solutions will be installed and tested at pilot sites on the island of Ouessant in France and the campus of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK.


ICE will make it possible to develop a commercial model that addresses the energy issues and supports transition towards low-carbon solutions. The methodology of the commercial model will be transferable to other remote territories, increasing their awareness of a new low-carbon solution.
In addition, a network of businesses – principally SMEs – will be created as part of the project to provide their skills and expertise in response to the energy issues faced by these territories.


The cluster is overseeing WP4 (Designing a Business Model for the Energy Transition of Isolated Territories) and will take part in selecting the ICE network companies.
It will also be involved in creating and setting up the commercial model (WP6).
