MELODI Subsea mineral exploration using magnetic and electromagnetic measurements

Accreditation10/30/2015 - 00:00
Total Budget:4 453.00 K€

MELODI is seeking to develop innovative and efficient exploration solutions both at regional (detection) and local (characterisation) level to develop the potential of subsea metal sulphides. Originally the product of what are now inactive hydrothermal vents, these sulphide ores are found in the oceans at depths exceeding 2000 metres, notably in the French Economic Exclusion Zone.

MELODI will provide a real operational solution to exploring these massive sulphide mineral deposits using a non-intrusive magnetic and electromagnetic measuring method which will guarantee to preserve the environment and maintain its integrity. The exploration equipment will be carried undersea by a team of robust, economical AUVs, capable of communicating with each other.

The MELODI project is winner of a Global Innovation Award, Phase 2: Reducing risks, Bpifrance 2015.                                                  The MELODI project is recognised jointly by the clusters Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Pôle Mer Méditerranée. 



  • RTSys, Caudan
  • CREOCEAN, La Rochelle et Nantes [Porteur de projet]
  • ECA, La Seyne sur Mer
  • MAPPEM Géophysics, Brest
  • Naval Group, Nantes


  • Concours Mondial de l’Innovation