CARAVELLE Predicting wind conditions for MRE based on satellite data

Accreditation12/15/2017 - 00:00
Total Budget:1 544.00 K€

The aim of the CARAVELLE project is to provide industrial players in the marine wind turbine sector with wind-prediction information, including for extreme events, based on satellite and in-situ modelling and data.

The energy resource afforded by wind turbines in coastal and littoral zones is often poorly controlled due to local effects, which are difficult to capture using modelling. Turbine blade fatigue is closely associated with atmospheric turbulence and its spectral characteristics.

As with the majority of MRE systems, fixed and floating wind turbines must able to resist extreme conditions and so dimensioning for such extremes is critical.

This project will provide satellite observation analysis tools to improve quantifying of extreme winds in areas prone to cyclones.

The CARAVELLE project is aimed at all MRE technologies, including Ocean Thermal Energy generally deployed in areas prone to cyclones.


Centres de recherche

  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest
  • CICESE, (Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada), Ensenada, Mexique
  • CNRS
  • IPSL-LSCE, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Saint Quentin en Yvelines
  • LACy Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones, Université de la Réunion, Saint-Denis
  • RSMAS, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Floride, Etats-Unis
  • France Energies Marines / Ifremer, Brest [Porteur de projet]


  • CLS, Brest
  • ABB, Le Havre
  • Naval Energies, Paris
  • EDF EN, Paris
  • OceanDataLab, Locmaria-Plouzané

Autres partenaires

  • Région Bretagne


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France Energies Marines)