BLUE Small tidal turbine for autonomous, off-grid generation systems

Accreditation02/22/2019 - 00:00
Total Budget:2 000.00 K€

Energy is an increasingly strategic issue as we face the challenge of sustainable development and as developing countries experience major growth. These factors prompt us to focus on developing ‘clean’ sources of electricity generation and supplying energy to these growing populations.

The BLUE project clearly fits into this dynamic, developing a new design for small tidal turbines with the aim of providing an energy generation solution for off-grid facilities.

It is primarily aimed at the export market. The project involves the design, development and testing of a demonstration model for subsequent series production: a prototype 60 kW tidal turbine based on an omnidirectional rotor and a robust design.

The planned work incorporates manufacturing the prototype and testing it under real conditions, as well as developing a means of and method for deploying local expertise in a context with a promising, international future.

The turbine is designed to be installed in the water chambers of watermills, in disused locks or in estuaries; it has already been tested on a small scale in tanks.

The BLUE project is also recognised by the EMC2 and Mer Méditéranée clusters.


Centres de recherche

  • ISEN, Brest
  • Université de Nantes


  • KEOPS Automation, Carquefou [Porteur de projet]
  • Guinard Energies Nouvelles, Brest
  • CREOCEAN, La Rochelle et Nantes
  • CETEAL, Nantes
  • Chantier naval Bretagne Sud, Belz


  • En recherche de financement