BENTHOSCOPE2 Passive acoustics monitoring of MRE impact on the benthic population

Accreditation03/11/2016 - 00:00
Total Budget:535.00 K€

The Benthoscope2 project will perfect a method of observing, understanding and evaluating the impact of MREs on benthic populations.

The benthos observation method proposed relies on passive acoustic monitoring. It involves listening to the sounds emitted by benthic fauna and processing these to reveal the specific diversity and abundance of the benthic communities and the functional role of habitats for these communities.

The BENTHOSCOPE2 project will involve taking continuous measurements at the test site (Lanvéoc in Brest Bay) throughout a whole year. The site comprises several towers from a former oil terminal located on shell-sand sediment and these towers and their benthic populations are being used as a model for wind turbine piles.


Centres de recherche

  • Laboratoire des sciences de l'Environnement MARin/IRD (UMR 6539 du CNRS, IRD, UBO), Brest
  • France Energies Marines / Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble [Porteur de projet]


  • RTSys, Caudan
  • Naval Group, Brest
  • TBM Environnement, Auray
  • EDF Énergies Nouvelles


  • ANR France Energies Marines