TSUNAMI Optimising floating and submersible fish cages in tropical zones

Accreditation11/15/2019 - 00:00
Total Budget:421.00 K€

The TSUNAMI project aims to ensure the reliability in tropical zones of floating fish-cage design. This type of cage, trialled in Guadeloupe, uses an immersion system that is manually operated in the event of a storm warning to minimise the impact of passing hurricanes.

This undeniable advance has proven effective during small-scale storms, but the passage of hurricane Maria in September 2017 led to fish farmers losing the stocks from 2 out of every 4 of their cages, as the storm deformed cages and ruptured nets.

The objective of the TSUNAMI project is to assess the behaviour of this type of infrastructure during storm events, using in-situ instrumentation, numerical modelling and tank tests.



  • SYPAGUA, Syndicat des Producteurs Aquacoles de Guadeloupe, Pointe Noire

Centres de recherche

  • IFREMER, Brest (29) et Le Robert (972) [Porteur de projet]


  • Fonds Européen pour les Affaires Maritimes et la Pêche (FEAMP)