sisquonor Decision-making tool for sustainably managing shellfish farming

Accreditation10/14/2011 - 00:00
Total Budget:206.00 K€

The aim of the Franco-Norwegian SISQUONOR project is to create a decision-making tool using geographical information systems for the sustainable management of shellfish-farming ecosystems.

This application will integrate ecosystem observation data, on-site measurements, satellite data and numerical models. The SISQUONOR tool will make it possible, for example, to select a potential site for establishing an aquaculture activity based on consideration of various parameters, such as current velocity, depth, distance in relation to wastewater outfall, etc. The GIS interface will also enable users to create their own indicators and to visualise them on a map.

Using expertise from Norway, where such a support tool is already helping the economic development of several aquaculture species such as the mussel, SISQUONOR will develop a demonstrator at the pilot site in Les Veys Bay in Normandy, which will improve an existing shellfish-farming operation and the layout of its farm, with the aim of –

· Optimising growth

· Minimising mortality

· Controlling water quality

· Redeveloping zones currently in use, etc.

At the end of the project, this new tool will be presented to decision-makers (government services) and end-users (industry professionals).



  • CMR Computing, Bergen, Norvège

Centres de recherche

  • Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norvège
  • Ifremer, Port-en-Bessin-Huppain [Porteur de projet]


  • Fondation franco-norvégienne