Sc2e Farming of tropical prawns that meet quality and environmental standards in Brittany and in countries with a temperate climate more generally

Accreditation10/26/2012 - 00:00
Total Budget:17 000.00 K€

The aim of the SC2E project is to use a new, eco-efficient system to farm prawns, initially in Brittany and then in other regions of France and in countries in Europe with a temperate climate, as a substitute for the massive quantities of tropical prawns imported into the continent. The production units will be appropriate for the lifecycle of the prawns and will meet environmental and animal welfare standards.

The project will also contribute to research into healthy feed for the prawns with guaranteed traceability (algae, nutrients and zero chemical addiditives), providing an alternative food source to meat.

A full-size prawn farm demonstrator installed in Brittany will be capable of being replicated elsewhere in France and abroad. Two species of prawn will be selected - a tropical one for the bulk of production and a local one, the Bouquet Breton (Palaemon serratus), for the remainder.

Every stage from seed production to farming and packaging, and including production of algae as a food source, will take place on the same site at a pilot production unit in the Roscoff area. Several units will then be established across Brittany as part of a job creation initiative.

Consideration will be given to a range of parameters: positive energy building, energy loop system linking the various production processes, site biosecurity, zero external waste emissions, effluent remediation at the water-treatment plant for algal forage crops, water quality, temperature control and separate rearing tanks to tailor feed to each stage of growth.

Feed for the prawns will be provided by an independent unit within the production site. Microalgae, macroalgae and organic plants will form part of the nutrients. Complete traceability will be assured at every stage of prawn and feed production. The prawns will be sold whole and in culinary preparations.

As part of the SC2E project, the MARTROP Company will develop an innovative industry to farm and market prawns and will extend this model to other locations in Brittany, France and abroad.

The SC2E project was submitted in response to the call for expressions of interest issued by Ademe under the heading 'Systèmes de production éco-efficients' (Eco-efficient production systems).


Centres de recherche

  • ANSES (Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail), Brest
  • Station Biologique de Roscoff, Laboratoire FR 2424, Roscoff
  • Ifremer, Département Lagons, Écosystèmes et Aquaculture Durable (LEAD), Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie


  • Martrop, Roscoff [Porteur de projet]
  • Artélia, groupe d'ingénierie, La Plaine Saint-Denis
  • IDEE Aquaculture, Montpellier et Etel
  • Stereau, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


  • En recherche de financement