Resist Genetic selection for more resistant farmed fish

Accreditation04/27/2012 - 00:00
Total Budget:3 658.00 K€

For 4 major species of fish from the French fisheries sector – bass, trout, bream and turbot – RESIST is proposing to introduce a new selection method based on disease resistance. The technique will consist of grouping family pedigree using DNA fingerprinting of families of fish mixed within hatcheries in order to identify those with the greatest resistance. Studies will also examine an innovative system of identification using genetic markers through partial genome sequencing of bass and trout for two diseases. These studies will conclude with the identification of markers associated with disease resistance, which will then be used to complement the DNA fingerprinting approach. In this way, RESIST will enable marketing of new genotypes which will improve resistance of commercial fish varieties. This project has strategic importance for the French fisheries sector and is aimed at securing technological advances in the face of competition from public investment abroad – in the USA and Denmark for trout, Spain and China for turbot and Spain and Greece for bass and bream. At the end of project, its technological advances are expected to consolidate production of selected fish fry and eggs with the creation of new production units.

The RESIST project is also recognized by the Aquimer, Mer Méditerranée, Agrimip Innovation and Qualiméditerranée clusters.



  • Ferme Marine du Douhet, La Brée-les-Bains [Porteur de projet]
  • Aquanord-Ichtus, Gravelines
  • Sources de l'Avance, Pissos
  • France Turbot, Tréguier
  • Viviers de Sarrance, Sarrance
  • Les Poissons du Soleil, Balaruc-les-Bains
  • Pisciculture de Milin Névez
  • Ferme marine de Campo Moro, Ajaccio, Corse

Centres de recherche

  • ANSES (Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail), Brest
  • Ifremer, Palavas-les-Flots
  • INRA, Jouy-en-Josas et Sizun

Autres partenaires

  • SYSAAF, Syndicat des Sélectionneurs Avicoles et Aquacoles Français, Rennes


  • Fonds Unique Interministériel
  • Conseil régional de Bretagne
  • Conseil Départemental du Finistère
  • Conseil régional d'Aquitaine
  • Conseil régional du Languedoc-Roussillon