PREDADOR2 Evaluating an acoustic system to repel gilthead sea bream predation of shellfish farms

Accreditation12/18/2015 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.00 K€

The PREDADOR project, designed in collaboration with fish-farming companies, examined the issue of oyster, mussel, clam and cockle predation by gilthead sea bream, particularly during the critical production period between spring and autumn.

The PREDADOR project, which was also aimed at improving understanding of the biology and behaviour of the gilthead sea bream, developed several techniques for repelling predators and for physically protecting the beds, including high-performance barrier netting. In particular, it provided an opportunity to create a first-ever low-energy acoustic harassment device, effective up to a range of between 200 and 300 metres.

The system proved its effectiveness against large shoals of gilthead sea bream and was tested by the industry in Brest Bay and Quiberon Bay.

In a second phase of the project, PREDADOR2 aims to increase the reliability of the repellent system with a view to commercialising it. Work will be carried out to develop a semi-industrial system in collaboration with the shellfish farming industry. The plan is to deploy twenty pilot acoustic harassment devices at several sites in the Atlantic, English Channel and Mediterranean. This wide range of sites will provide conditions for testing all aspects of the system - acoustics, habituation, specifics of different zones, behaviour of the bream, etc.

The partners will also conduct an experimental study of the system’s impact on the marine environment.

The PREDADOR2 project is also recognised by the cluster Pôle Mer Méditerranée.



  • Comité Régional Conchylicole de Bretagne Sud, Auray
  • Actris, Brest [Porteur de projet]
  • Cochet Environnemnet, Locoal-Mendon

Centres de recherche

  • Ifremer, Lorient
  • Ifremer, Brest

Autres partenaires

  • Comité Régional Conchylicole de Méditerranée, Mèze


  • En recherche de financement