Optipeche Catching only the best to avoid rejecting the rest

Accreditation12/16/2005 - 00:00
Total Budget:4 713.00 K€

As those in the fishing industry are well aware, the economic development strategy governing their activities is currently changing. Everything from the cost of fuel to the reduction in fish stocks is increasing the drive for quality not quantity.
Opting to combine skills can lead to innovation and thereby aid sustainable development and stock conservation in the fishing industry. Optipêche is taking just such line by bringing together long-established companies working on trawling techniques and other younger businesses at the cutting edge of detection technology.
Bearing in mind the financial constraints of trawler owners, Optipêche is offering to instal prow-mounted multi-beam sonar equipment capable of detecting fish and of transmitting profiles of the seabed in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of each trawl.
Such innovative fishing equipment will improve the quality of produce landed and will alleviate the gruelling nature of the work, as well as reduce the impact on the seabed. A collection of acoustic and current-measuring sonar equipment installed on the trawler and panels controls the geometry, depth and tension of nets. The equipment makes it possible to trawl selectively and to keep duration on and contact with the seabed to a minimum. An acoustic system repels cetaceans.
As well as being of interest to the 6 000 trawlers working in the French fishing industry, Optipêche is aimed at those in the industry working under similar financial constraints elsewhere.


Centres de recherche

  • ENSTA Bretagne, Brest
  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest
  • Ifremer, Lorient
  • Institut Maritime de Prévention, Lorient


  • iXSea, Brest [Porteur de projet]
  • Morgère, Saint-Malo
  • iXTrawl, Pont-l'Abbé
  • Le Drezen, Léchiagat-Le Guilvinec


  • FEDER 319
  • Bpifrance
  • Conseil régional de Bretagne
  • Conseil départemental du Finistère
  • Conseil départemental du Morbihan
  • Conseil départemental d'Ille-et-Vilaine