LINC BioMer Innovation for biodegradable ocean nets and lines

Accreditation03/12/2021 - 00:00
Total Budget:1.20 K€

LINC BioMer is a collaborative project which aims to develop a groundbreaking range of nets and lines: groundbreaking because they biodegrade at sea and can be composted commercially. These will be made mainly from biosourced materials which are not environmentally persistent. They will allow high-performance, environmentally conscious gear to be designed for professional fishing, aquaculture, recreational fishing and other aquatic activities.

The project is in line with the French National Strategy of Ecological Transition Towards Sustainable Development (SNTEDD) because it tackles the issue of what happens to waste at sea. It contributes to what the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive calls ‘good environmental status’.

The aim of the project is to improve the product’s competitiveness by ensuring the properties, cost and environmental benefit are properly balanced. In environmental terms, the product’s life cycle will be assessed (LCA), including its end of life – composting or recycling. At the same time, the marketing approach will identify how acceptable these biodegradable products are to their target markets in the fishing industry, shipyards and decisionmaking roles. An economic analysis will check that products made from this new thread are economically viable, namely nets and other fishing gear and aquaculture equipment.

In advance of the new regulations on Life cycle assessment and ecological design (in Law no. 2020-105 which will apply from 2025), LINC Biomer is responding to strong demand on a major market, both in France and further afield. It is also furthering knowledge and skills in these areas among our partner organisations, thus helping ensure their activities are sustainable in the long term.



  • Le Drezen, Treffiagat-Le Guilvinec

Autres partenaires

  • La Coopération Maritime [Porteur de projet]

Centres de recherche

  • Ifremer, Laboratoire de Technologie et de Biologie Halieutiques, Lorient
  • Ifremer, Laboratoire Structures, Matériaux Avancés et Sollicitations Hyperbares (SMASH), Brest
  • ComposiTIC, Plateau technique de l’UBS


  • France Filière Pêche
  • Fondation ENGIE (via Fondation UBS)
  • Ocean Winds