DECIDER Combining dredging activity with maerl conservation in Brittany

Accreditation10/30/2015 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.74 K€

France has been extending its network of Natura 2000 sites into marine environments since 2008. The fishing industry wanted to equip itself with detailed methods to evaluate local situations, which would enable it to propose action to be taken on these Natura 2000 sites.

A risk analysis method based on scientific literature has already been developed to evaluate the interaction between fishing gear and habitats at the relevant sites.

The further, specific operational aims of the DECIDER project are:

  • To understand and evaluate the wide variety of situations at the sites, including the diversity of fishing gear and habitats, and to put these into perspective alongside other human activity, environmental conditions and further aspects of the sites’ context.
  • To ensure action is taken, with the fishing industry at its heart. By involving professionals, it is hoped they will take ownership of the risk analysis and see what is at stake, coming up with their own proposals.
  • To bring professionals together around a single, sound methodology shared along the entire Atlantic coast.

The case study will focus on interaction between dredging activity and maerl in Brittany. This is a major concern for the fishing industry in the region, where 14 Natura 2000 sites are also maerl habitats. Four pilot sites have been chosen.


Autres partenaires

  • Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des élevages Marins de Bretagne, Rennes
  • CRPMEM des Pays de Loire
  • CRPMEM de Poitou-Charentes, La Rochelle
  • CDPMEM du Morbihan, Lorient
  • CDPMEM d’Ille et Vilaine, Saint-Malo
  • CRPMEM d’Aquitaine, Ciboure
  • Association du Grand Littoral Atlantique (AGLIA), Rochefort [Porteur de projet]
  • RESOMAR (Réseau des Stations et des Observatoires Marins)
  • CDPMEM Finistère, Ergué-Gabéric
  • CDPMEM Côtes d’Armor, Pordic


  • France Filière Pêche
  • Conseil régional de Bretagne
  • Conseil régional Pays de la Loire
  • Conseil régional Nouvelle Aquitaine