ESTUAIRE Researching a multi-energy, multi-use smart grid for a port district

Accreditation01/25/2019 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.71 K€

The port authority of the Grand Port Maritime of Nantes/Saint-Nazaire is committed to setting up a smart grid for the port district. The largely unexploited potential of such a development can only be highlighted by providing regional and industrial stakeholders with the resources to simulate and analyse the technical and economic solutions afforded by smart grids.

The tools involved must have the capacity to model sector innovations such as energy storage, photovoltaics and self-consumption, to guide the choice of technology and encourage installation of viable demonstrators.

The aim of the ESTUAIRE project is twofold:

  • To put forward a suite of modelling and simulation tools to determine the optimum energy solutions and scenarios for developing smart grids, particularly to serve ports
  • To develop a shared governance model for leveraging value, particularly from data.

These tools will be deployed to develop the economic potential of the electricity that would otherwise be lost during the engine trials conducted by the industrial company MAN Energy Solutions at Saint-Nazaire docks.

This 2-year project was launched in September 2019.

The ESTUAIRE project is also recognised by the S2E2 and EMC2 clusters.


Autres partenaires

  • Grand Port Maritime de Nantes Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Nazaire
  • Communauté d’agglomération de la région nazairienne et de l’estuaire (CARENE), Saint-Nazaire


  • Akajoule, Saint-Nazaire [Porteur de projet]
  • MAN Energy Solutions, Saint Nazaire

Centres de recherche

  • Université de Nantes


  • Ademe
  • Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire