Webinaire #2 « Ocean Connect - Bretagne & Nouvelle-Ecosse »

Le 03/12/2024 - 16:27

*webinaire en anglais


The theme for the second session : Ocean & Autonomous Security Solutions




Presentations on the Brittany and Nova Scotia Ocean Technology Ecosystems with guest speakers : 

  • Dr Mae Seto, associate professor in Dalhousie’s Mechanical Engineering Department and the Irving Shipbuilding Research Chair in Marine Engineering and Autonomous System

  • Rear Admiral, Frédéric Renaudeau, Strategy, Defence, Deep Sea, Skills&Training Adviser at Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, President at CELADON, Senior Defense adviser at Alcatel Lucent Enterprise


Presentations from Brittany and Nova Scotia companies interested incollaborations :

  • JASCO Applied Sciencesspecializes in the areas of acoustics, blast physics, vision systems & image processing, systems integration and information systems - and provides consulting to the Marine Industrial, Oceanographic, Oil & Gas, Fisheries, Defence and IT sectors.

  • Deep Visionis a machine perception company that specializes in electro optical situational awareness systems for detection, acquisition, and tracking, as well as for autonomous, semi-autonomous, and operator assistive maritime applications.

  • Spiri Roboticsoffers a fully autonomous flock of network-integrated drones that is deployable at will - We develop autonomous systems, provide cloud computing services and end-to-end autonomous mission support for government and industry.

  • Unseenlabs : is a pioneer and global leader in radiofrequency space-based detection. With our own constellation of monosatellites, we detect, geolocate and track ships, including non-cooperative vessels, not equipped with AIS or switching it off to become invisible. Our exclusive data helps public and private stakeholders get a more exhaustive view about the real maritime traffic and identify potential illegal or undeclared activities over wide areas of interest at sea. 

  • LESTR by Semsofthas developed the LESTR software platform to drive the fight against illicit activities that are performed under the guise of international trade by using maritime freight transport as a cover.

  • eOdyn : in situ ocean surface currents anytime, in every ocean.

  • Diades : is the radar specialist for maritime law enforcement and search & rescue, embedding Ai enhancements.


Opportunities to secure individual B2B meetings






For more information, please contact : Sébastien CANN, Business Development Manager, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantiquesebastien.cann@polemer-ba.com