Voilier du futur First yacht to demonstrate use of boatbuilding eco-materials and eco-technologies

Accreditation03/30/2012 - 00:00
Total Budget:4 513.00 K€

Voilier du futur brings together 22 innovative, collaborative projects from the leisure boatbuilding industry with the aim of creating a demonstrator cruising yacht of the future which will incorporate eco-innovations in the areas of materials, energy, waste-water treatment, rigging components and fittings, ergonomics and safety. Creating this sailboat demonstrator will help industrials in the sector by facilitating future discussion of the prospects and economic potential of the pleasure craft of tomorrow.

This demonstrator will also act as a laboratory for other marine vessels, particularly fishing boats, and will test solutions designed to reduce the boat's environmental impact. In return, it will benefit from the transfer of technology from these other types of of sea-going vessels and from different industrial sectors - aeronautics, automotive, etc.

Voilier du futur carries the flag for eco-navigation. Its crew will be committed to providing a role model for boat management and maintenance and also for relationships with the marine environment. The crew will also promote the sea as a place to learn about life while providing opportunities to learn sailing as a way of demonstrating how to approach the marine environment sensitively.

The Voilier du futur project will strengthen research links between laboratories, businesses and local authorities which will recruit long-term partners for developing the eco-design of materials and equipment. It will help develop a biomaterials industry and will play a part in drawing up a European norm for boat and equipment eco-design and in increasing onboard safety.

In promoting the emergence of a green leisure-boating economy, the project will help companies get ahead in international markets by showcasing French eco-technologies at major international exhibitions.



  • Plastimo, Lorient
  • Nautix, Guidel
  • Nke, Hennebont
  • Éphèse, Becon-les-Granits [Porteur de projet]
  • Multiplast, Vannes

Centres de recherche

  • Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient
  • Ifremer, Brest

Autres partenaires

  • Hydrocéan


  • Financement privé