Vitem Evaluating how elastomers perform in the marine environment

Accreditation05/24/2013 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.40 K€

The VITEM project involves developing tools for designing and characterising elastomer components exposed to thermal ageing and the marine environment. Although the quality of elastomer materials has for many years meant that they have been indispensible in industry and in the maritime sector in particular, a major problem relating to fatigue resistance and sensitivity to the surrounding environment is associated with designing these structures for long-term use. Where there are harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperatures in drive shafts, engine suspension parts, etc., or in the marine environment (wave turbines, offshore wind turbines, waterproof seals in harbour areas,etc.), the properties of these structures change dramatically.

The VITEM project is part of an initiative to improve performance during the design, certification and maintenance stages of a product's lifecycle. VITEM will thus provide design consultants with a sequence of numerically predicted changes in the properties of elastomer materials exposed to thermal agening and/or the marine environment. The tool will help reduce development costs, improve product reliability and provide better planning of inspection and maintenance schedules.
VITEM will also develop tools for assessing the remaining lifespan of industrial components using a self-heating process. VITEM will thus respond to industry's need to evaluate new and existing products in service and to optimise the latest products by improving the mix of materials, defining the form of structure, etc.


Centres de recherche

  • ENSTA Bretagne, Brest [Porteur de projet]
  • Ifremer, Brest


  • Trelleborg Vibracoustics, Carquefou
  • Naval Group, Brest


  • Sans financement public