OASSYS Hybrid robotic yacht for autonomous ocean observation and surveillance missions

Accreditation09/16/2016 - 00:00
Total Budget:6.08 K€

The aim of the OASSYS project is to design a 15- to 30-metre robotic yacht for observation and surveillance missions. The vessel will be capable of operating wholly autonomously for a period of 3 weeks in a sea state with winds of up to Force 8. It will be equipped with high-tech telecomm systems and will be suitable for transportation by road or shipping container.

Using hybrid sail/electric engine propulsion, this autonomous vehicle will not only improve ocean surveillance but also optimise surveillance and intervention costs at the same time as minimising environmental impact.

OASSYS will produce a demonstrator with a view to commercialisation.

The OASSYS project is also recognised by the Pôle Mer Méditerranée cluster.



  • Naval Group, Paris [Porteur de projet]
  • Sea Proven, Laval
  • BE Mauric, Nantes
  • Grand large Yachting, Couëron


  • Sans financement public