Synbios Understanding ocean dynamics around the continental slope

Accreditation09/23/2011 - 00:00
Total Budget:1 195.00 K€

The continental slope is a key transition zone between the shallow coastal shelf (50-200 metres) and the waters of the open ocean (1,500-4,000 metres). Several processes occur in this zone, which are both dynamic – such as accelerating currents that produce eddies – and biological, such as nutrient and biomass exchange.

The SYNBIOS fundamental research project involves conducting experiments to obtain high-resolution data. The data will be used to observe and understand these dynamic phenomena which occur close to the continental slope, especially along its steep gradients, and which control biological activity and exchange processes.

The theoretical research will be applied to two specific coastal zones: the east Mediterranean along the Libyan/Egyptian coast and the west Arabian Sea along the Omani coast. Recent survey data are available for these locations.


Centres de recherche

  • École polytechnique, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, (UMR 8539), Palaiseau [Porteur de projet]
  • ENSTA Paris, Unité de Mécanique, Palaiseau
  • Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Brest


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche