Sea test base Sea-based marine and undersea equipment R&D test platform

Accreditation11/21/2008 - 00:00
Total Budget:4.22 K€

The headland of Brittany provides the major focus in France for skills relating to undersea acoustics, undersea operations, oceanography and oceanology. Research bodies, laboratories, industries, higher education institutions and universities have long had a presence here. The need for sustainable exploitation of the oceans and for increased security surrounding rapidly expanding maritime and port operations increase the demand for high-performance technology requiring minimal human intervention. Perfecting such technology assumes an ability to test equipment for acoustics, robotics and new algorithm applications at sea. This essential stage in the development of research and industry projects means implementing technical resources that are difficult or extremely costly to bring together.
From a land base within the Ecole Navale (Naval Academy) at Lanvéoc Poulmic, Sea Test Base will be able to conduct tests to depths of up to 30 metres, and, from seven test platforms on board vessels, will be able to reach undersea locations up to 200 metres deep. The sea-based test facilities will allow companies and laboratories to accelerate the process of perfecting new technologies and will enable engineering schools to carry out teaching work in real conditions.
The specially created Celadon Association will have initial responsibility for the project which brings together members of Pôle Mer Bretagne: major companies, SMEs, research bodies, engineering schools and organisations working for national defence.



  • ECA Group, Brest
  • iXBlue, Brest
  • Thales DMS, Brest
  • BLM Marine Services, Brest
  • ProLarge, Lorient
  • Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Brest

Centres de recherche

  • ENSTA Bretagne, Brest
  • ISEN, Brest
  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest
  • École Navale, Brest
  • SHOM, Brest
  • Ces acteurs sont regroupés dans l'association Celadon [Porteur de projet]


  • Région Bretagne
  • Conseil départemental du Finistère
  • Brest métropole