ECO2track Ocean currents carrying future solutions

Accreditation10/21/2016 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.24 K€

The ECO2track project is aimed at optimising ship routing to reduce energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions, based on a technology referred to as ‘e-Motion’, by measuring surface currents in real time using an algorithm that analyses the trajectory of ships equipped with AIS (Automatic Identification System).

For the first time, this algorithm makes it possible to envisage the development in the short term of a real-time system for global observation of ocean currents. In practical terms this means that the data supplied by ECO2track can be used to exploit more effectively the strong ocean currents on shipping routes used by commercial vessels.

In addition to this application, e-Odyn intends to expand the market for ‘e-Motion’ towards exports and numerous other fields: sea search and rescue, anti-pollution, offshore installation surveillance, pre-studies for wave and wind turbines, etc.

The ECO2track project and the increased number of AIS satellites in orbit mark out e-Odyn as part of a dynamic for closer maritime/space collaboration aimed at exploiting a breakthrough innovation to respond to economic, environmental and societal issues.



  • CMA CGM, Marseille
  • Airbus Defence & Space, Toulouse
  • e-Odyn, Brest [Porteur de projet]

Centres de recherche

  • LEGOS, Toulouse


  • Bpifrance (PIAVE spatial)