Innovation in the Framework of the Atlantic Deep Ocean
Interreg Atlantic Area – a programme designed to promote transnational cooperation throughout the 36 Atlantic regions.
The iFADO project is overseen by the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon University and comprises a consortium of 20 partners from 5 European countries.
68 months (October 2017 – June 2023)
€2,725 K
Following the launch of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (visualisation of the physical and biogeochemical state of the world’s oceans), the project is designed to combine traditional surveillance programmes with emerging technologies to measure offshore water quality in the context of implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The project will employ a mix of traditional surveillance and cutting-edge technologies: satellites, numerical modeling and new ocean glider and buoy platforms. The purpose is to obtain solid scientific knowledge while improving the capacity to manage risks.
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique will serve as an interface between the project and industry to promote innovation through knowledge transfer.
The cluster is responsible for WP3 relating to capitalising on the project’s results.