Tms High bit-rate communication terminal for use onboard ships at sea

Accreditation04/30/2010 - 00:00
Total Budget:2 110.00 K€

The TMS (Stable Marine Terminal) project will create a terminal that provides access to wireless high bit-rate networks for users sailing in coastal maritime waters. The technical and scientific challenges of the project lie in the low-cost production of a terminal capable of operating in the maritime environment and of ensuring reliable, high bit-rate ship-to-shore communication up to a distance of ten nautical miles offshore.

The designing of this terminal is part of an initiative to optimise the overall performance of onboard equipment:

  • Precise characterisation and modelling of the frequency channel in response to signal propagation problems at sea
  • 4-sector antenna system and sector selection algorithm to minimise transmission system losses in accordance with estimated metrics used by the terminal's embedded electronics
  • A second, autonomous and mechanically stable antenna system to ensure a range of available antennae and thereby avoid transmission losses associated with multiple data transfers on the sea surface
  • The stable marine terminal will be designed to withstand the harsh environmental conditions encountered at sea. It will be robust, waterproof and resistant to misty, salt-laden air, without resulting in any significant increase in production costs
  • As regards transmission standards, TMS will incorporate the latest in wireless technology, namely WiMax and LTE, which can attain a theoretical maximum bit-rate of 100Mbit/s down-line between the network and the terminal.

Moreover, by significantly reducing costs in comparison with satellite communications systems, the TMS terminal will target the horizontal market that encompasses all coastal-zone users – from industry professionals to yachting crews. The extensive range of its applications naturally includes maritime safety and security which is concerned with improving land-sea communications.

In terms of its applications, this project follows on from the eX-TREME project, officially recognised by Pôle Mer Bretagne, and brings together as part of a coherent strategy a group of SMEs and major companies, each of which represents a key component in maritime operational communications.

The company directing the project, TES Electronic Solutions (based in Bruz, Langon and Quimper), works in the innovative design, development, integration and production of radio systems and electronic products. The system's general specifications and commercialisation are the responsibility of Thales Communications (Colombes). The study and creation of antennae is entrusted to Satimo (Plouzané). Deti (Brest) is responsible for the antenna stabilisation system. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (Brest) is working on researching and developing an intelligent router system capable of managing simultaneous, multiple access. Télécom Bretagne (Plouzané) will play a pivotal role in the study of communications involving grazing incidence above the air-sea interface.

As the target market is substantial, the project is oriented more towards the technological and industrial aspects than towards academic research. Lastly, the creation of an end-users' group demonstrates that the project is clearly focused on potential users and operational applications. The group comprises Bolloré Telecom, telecom operator, Ifremer, French institute for research into exploiting marine resources, and the Marine Nationale, France's national navy.

This project falls within the subject areas defined by the French government consultation on marine affairs (Grenelle de la mer) and, in particular, relates to topic group 2 – 'Between threat and potential: the fragility and future promise of the sea', as well as to the national economic development programme, 'The Ship of the Future'.


Centres de recherche

  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest
  • Ifremer, Brest


  • Alcatel-Lucent, Brest
  • Déti, Brest
  • Thales Communications, Colombes [Porteur de projet]
  • Satimo, Brest et Courtabœuf

  • Marine Nationale


  • Fonds Unique Interministériel
  • Conseil régional de Bretagne
  • Conseil départemental du Finistère
  • Brest métropole