SWAMSI Improving the global system for broadcasting maritime information

Accreditation04/25/2014 - 00:00
Total Budget:3.89 K€

The SWAMSIFR project is at the core of the international concept of “e-navigation” and is aimed at improving the safety and security of maritime navigation by facilitating the exchange of information between the different stakeholders.

The project principally consists of developing the full range of links in the “land/sea” interface to improve the global system for broadcasting maritime information. Several approaches will be used to achieve this:

-         Developing a “National Portal” prototype, based notably on the new IHO S-100 standard, to collect and share maritime safety and standard nautical information with a view to marketing the concept;

-         Putting forward new plans for terrestrial centres to make them more competitive;

-         Developing a new communication vector (NAVDAT) to replace NAVTEX for broadcasting maritime safety information;

-         Evaluating the contribution of new communication vectors (VDES for marine radio and satellite VHF) and complementarity with vectors already on the market (AIS, etc.).

The project will lead to production of a demonstrator integrating the whole range of components.

The SWAMSI project is recognised jointly by the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Pôle Mer Méditerranée clusters.


Centres de recherche

  • SHOM, Brest
  • Université de Rennes 1
  • Cerema, Brest


  • Kenta Electronic, Quimper
  • Airbus Defence & Space, Toulouse
  • Navecom, Lorient
  • CLS, Plouzané, Toulouse, porteur de projet


  • Sans financement public