Sos stabilite Improving small fishing vessel safety

Accreditation04/29/2008 - 00:00
Total Budget:4.85 K€

The pressing question of the safety and dynamic stability of small fishing vessels under 24m in length lies at the heart of the SOS STABILITE project. Fishing is one of the most dangerous professions. Of the 24 000 accidents recorded every year around the world, the majority involves small vessels. In a third of such cases, the vessels sink - something that occurs in only 15% of accidents affecting larger ships. In such instances, heavy seas are combined with other critical factors such as limited stability, mistakes in cargo loading, taking on water, snagged trawler nets, etc.
The SOS STABILITE project will increase understanding of the problems of dynamic stability in small vessels by modelling the phenomena involved, examining ship design, looking at regulations and recommendations and furnishing accident analysis procedures. Above all, the project will develop onboard systems designed to improve vessel safety while taking account of energy consumption constraints, crew behaviour and budget considerations for small vessels already in service or still on the drawing board. SOS STABILITE will work to improve new vessels at design stage, including fishing boats, and the interface between vessel and equipment. The project will include consideration of crew training and will perfect a simulator capable of integrating potential changes to regulations and recommendations.



  • Sirehna, Nantes [Porteur de projet]
  • Principia, La Ciotat
  • Chantier Merré, chantier naval, Nort-sur-Erdre
  • Bureau Véritas, Nantes
  • Bureau d'études Mauric, Nantes et Marseille

Centres de recherche

  • Ifremer, Laboratoire de Technologies pour l'Halieutique, modélisation des engins de pêche, Lorient
  • Institut Maritime de Prévention, Lorient


  • Fonds Unique Interministériel
  • Région Bretagne
  • Région Pays de la Loire
  • Conseil régional PACA
  • Métropole d'Aix-Marseille Provence