SALS A lightweight, modular autonomous marine drone for scientific measurements

Accreditation03/16/2018 - 00:00
Total Budget:480.00 K€

The SALS project involves developing an autonomous marine drone of lightweight, modular design that is capable of accommodating different hydrographic and scientific equipment  for civilian and military use.

The challenge with such a surface drone is to incorporate waterjet propulsion plus battery pack into a compact space, enabling the drone to move in shallow, rough and/or polluted waters and, uniquely, to also offer significant payload capacity and portability.

Typically, the drone will measure 1,800mm long, 900mm wide and 1,200mm high and weigh less than 100kg in total.

The SALS project is aimed at the field of general scientific measurements in coastal, river and lakeside zones. The primary target is bathymetric surveying which involves both French national institutions, such as the French Navy, National Hydrographic Service and Sustainable Development Agency (CEREMA), as well as large private companies.



  • PrimeGPS, Sainte Luce [Porteur de projet]
  • DNG solution, Vaiges


  • Bpifrance