BLUE IoT - EOLIA Underwater sensors for monitoring the parameters of MRE objects

Accreditation10/18/2019 - 00:00
Total Budget:0.34 K€

The Blue IoT-EOLIA project is seeking to develop the instrumentation and underwater sensor networks required to continuously monitor MRE environmental and operational parameters.

Data will be relayed to a control centre via over-the-air transmission and warnings issued in the event of significant variations.

The project will produce an operational demonstrator at the SEM-REV offshore test site to assess how robust the solution is in operational conditions and to obtain feedback with a view to commercialising and industrialising the solution as appropriate.


Centres de recherche

  • Université de Nantes (LS2N), Nantes


  • Kopadia, Nantes [Porteur de projet]


  • Région Pays de La Loire