Call for expression of interest : Maritime safety for floating offshore wind

The 03/07/2022 - 12:04





The MPI is an association governed by the law of 01 July 1901 and is administered by a joint council composed of employer and employee representatives. The MPI has a general mission of occupational risk prevention, , the aim of which is to contribute, by any appropriate means, to protecting the health and improving the working and living conditions of professional seafarers.






 Risk management and safety represent common and fundamental values of maritime activities and a major challenge for the development of reliable, efficient and sustainable offshore wind energy.

Océole wishes to take advantage of Equinor's expertise in the construction and operation of offshore installations, and in particular the first floating wind farms in operation, in order to mobilise innovative players in the search for solutions adapted to the specificities of offshore wind power and to aid them in defining such solutions.

The purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) is to bring about innovative, credible and expert solutions meeting Océole's specific needs for the safe operation of offshore wind farms, as well as any related activities and uses.

After several pilot projects in France and abroad, offshore wind power is now developing on a commercial scale. A number of countries, particularly in Europe, are adopting a roadmap for deploying this technology and the markets are booming. As such, innovative solutions that reduce costs or facilitate the integration of projects into their environment have strong commercial potential.

The CEI has 2 themes: an open one relating to maritime safety for the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm, and a specific one relating to the detection and positioning of wind turbine anchoring elements in order to ensure the safety of fishing vessels. These 2 sections on which the contributions are requested are described in the attached sheets.

Candidates may respond to just one or two both parts of this CEI.



 The schedule shown is subject to change at any time, and the CEI stakeholders will be notified of any changes by the organisers.

  • Launch:  09 March 2022
  • Notification of the launch: mailing - social networks - websites
  • Launch webinar: A presentation by the organisers about their expectations and the terms of the CEI - discussion and Q&A session: 31 March 2022
  • Deadline for submitting files: 15 May 2022

Candidates must submit an application form completed with any document, brochure or descriptive file needed to assess the relevance of their solution with regard to the evaluation criteria...

  • Pre-selection by the selection panel: 01 June 2022
  • Interviews between the selection panel and the pre-selected parties: from 15 June 2022
  • Selection/Winner(s): from 15 June 2022
  • Official announcement of the Winners: between 15 and 30 June 2022



  • Technical review and feasibility study of each Winner's solution by Océole/Equinor
  • At least 3 mentoring sessions with experts in the field over a period of 3 months to continue to refine the development of each Winner's solution
  • Potential integration of the winning solutions in the AO5 Sud Bretagne Project (and future projects) if Océole is the winner of the call for tenders
  • The possible presentation of the winning solutions to Equinor Ventures.




Thanks to send back the submitting files before the 15 may 2022 to :