OPTIMISME Developing global management of energy flows in a port zone

Labelisation : 06/17/2016 - 00:00
Budget global : 322.00 K€

Ports host numerous activities that generate flows with promising potential for introducing recovery systems and industrial symbiosis: heat networks, marine renewable energy production, etc.

These activities, as levers for the local economy, represent an interface that determines the expansion of energy-flow optimisation to the port hinterland.

A key issue here is the development of tools for monitoring and guiding energy flows that will take into account differences of scale – factory, port, hinterland – as well as the sea/land interface (quayside energy loading/unloading, etc.).

The project, which brings together port developers, urban planners, energy companies and environmental assessment consultancies and researchers, is proposing to develop numerical decision-making tools and assessment methods to formulate the differences of scale and to guarantee the environmental relevance of projects.


Centres de recherche

  • École des Métiers de l'Environnement (EME), Bruz

Autres partenaires

  • Grand Port Maritime de Nantes Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Nazaire
  • Agence d’urbanisme de la région nazairienne (ADDRN)


  • Akajoule, Saint-Nazaire [Porteur de projet]
  • Eicosystème, Nantes


  • Ademe