Bi-Cycle Studying the lifecycle of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus

Labelisation : 02/26/2010 - 00:00
Budget global : 1 243.00 K€

The Bi-Cycle project involved improving understanding of the life cycles of brown algae based on molecular genetics and the genetics of populations. 

Research conducted as part of laboratory analyses in the course of the project led to the development of new techniques such as positional cloning of mutated genes, never before tested in the study of brown algae.

The introduction of these new genetic tools and protocols marks a major step forward in the study and improvement of strains and varieties of brown algae. Bi-Cycle also promoted the transfer of knoweldge of life cycles, from lab-based studies to research conducted on ecosystems. 

This knowledge transfer enabled a new level of understanding to be reached in how the cycles of algae function in real-life conditions.

Spin-offs and future developments

Creation of two posts

13 scientific publications

19 papers presented at seminars in Francs and abroad

Creation of an international research group with Chile and Brasil involving 31 research laboratories



  • Bezhin Rosko, Roscoff

Centres de recherche

  • Station biologique de Roscoff, Algal genetics groupe UMR 7139, Roscoff [Porteur de projet]


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche